At Wilgee Civil, we are deeply inspired by the rich cultural tapestry and environmental wisdom of Indigenous communities, particularly those in the Noongar region. Our journey aligns with the spirit of respect, understanding, and mutual learning, guiding us to support and celebrate the significant advancements and self-determination of the Noongar people.
Honouring Progress and Cultural Resilience
The path toward recognising and affirming Indigenous rights and connections to land has been a profound journey. A pivotal moment in this journey was the landmark 1992 Mabo decision by the High Court of Australia, which dismissed the doctrine of terra nullius and paved the way for the Native Title Act the following year. This legislation was a step forward but also posed challenges, requiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to prove their connections to land in often adversarial settings.
In the southwest of Western Australia, the complexities of this process were felt deeply, with 78 family claims initially lodged. The strain of managing these claims led to a rethinking and consolidation into six composite claims, fostering a united front among Noongar communities. This unity was a beacon of hope and strength, shining through the formation of SWALSC, the body representing Noongar interests.
The journey took a decisive turn in 2006 when Justice Wilcox acknowledged that Noongar law, customs, and culture had sustained since sovereignty and persisted to this day. This acknowledgement was groundbreaking, especially as it included the Perth metropolitan area, marking a significant moment in Australian legal and cultural history.
After years of negotiation, replacing confrontation with dialogue, a settlement was reached that recognised the Noongar people’s enduring connection to their ancestral lands. This was not just a legal victory but a profound acknowledgement of the spiritual, familial, and cultural ties that have defined Noongar Boodja (Noongar Lands) since time immemorial.
This profound journey and the transformative agreements that emerged from it are poignantly captured in “The Story of the South West Native Title Settlement.” This documentary delves into the intricate history and the impactful resolution that has significantly influenced the Noongar people and their connection to the land. It highlights how, through perseverance and the spirit of cooperation, a more just and respectful acknowledgement of Indigenous rights can be achieved.
We invite you to watch this compelling video to gain a deeper understanding of the settlement’s significance and its lasting impact on the Noongar communities and beyond. It is a testament to what can be accomplished when diverse communities come together in the spirit of respect and mutual recognition.
Watch the enlightening journey here: The Story of the South West Native Title Settlement.
Wilgee Civil's Journey of Awareness and Support
In the spirit of fostering understanding and collaboration, Wilgee Civil honours the resilience and culture of the Noongar people. We are guided by the principle of learning from and with Indigenous communities, understanding that while our paths may not directly intersect through formal partnerships, our respect and admiration for their stewardship of land and culture guide our practices and beliefs.
We are committed to supporting the progress and initiatives led by local Indigenous communities. This includes the remarkable work of the newly established Noongar Ranger corporations, each contributing to the preservation and recognition of Noongar culture and environmental stewardship:

Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation:
Strengthening the Whadjuk community’s cultural heritage.

Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation:
Preserving the unique heritage of the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar region.

Gnaala Karla Booja Aboriginal Corporation:
Custodians of the Gnaala Karla Booja area’s rich traditions.

Aboriginal Land and Sea Council:
Advocating for the Noongar people’s rights and interests, focusing on land, sea, and cultural heritage preservation.

Yued Aboriginal Corporation:
Advocating for the Yued region’s environmental and cultural well-being.

Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation:
Maintaining the Ballardong area’s cultural integrity.
Moving Forward Together
As we continue to witness and celebrate these significant cultural strides, we at Wilgee Civil remain dedicated to environmental and cultural stewardship in our projects and practices. We believe that the spirit of collaboration, respect, and shared learning makes a stronger and more inclusive community.
We invite our partners, clients, and the broader community to join us in recognising and supporting these important initiatives. Together, we can contribute to a future that honours the rich heritage and bright future of the Noongar people and all Indigenous communities.